A streamlined path to success

Combine the power of legal and business expertise with Washburn University’s J.D./MBA Dual Degree Program. This unique program, a collaboration between the School of Law and the School of Business, allows you to earn both degrees in a shorter timeframe, equipping you with a versatile skill set to excel in today’s complex professional landscape.

Program overview

Our J.D./MBA Dual Degree Program is designed for ambitious students eager to broaden their career prospects by gaining comprehensive knowledge in both law and business. Typically, a J.D. requires 90 credit hours and an MBA 30 credit hours, but through our dual program, you can complete both degrees with just 108 credit hours. You’ll start with the full first-year law curriculum before integrating business courses, allowing for a seamless, interdisciplinary education.

A student studies on a picnic blanket outside Dole Hall.

Why choose Washburn for your J.D./MBA?

Opting for the J.D./MBA program at Washburn means choosing a pathway rich in opportunities and tailored to enhance your marketability. The blend of legal acumen and business insight prepares you for diverse roles, from corporate law to executive leadership. At Washburn, you benefit from a practical, skills-based education, supportive faculty, and a network of successful alumni. This dual degree not only saves time but also provides a competitive edge in the job market, giving you the credentials to stand out.

A law professor works with a student in the library.
Program structure & requirements The J.D./MBA program at Washburn is structured to offer flexibility and depth. Here’s how it works:
  • Complete the rigorous first-year law curriculum.* 
  • After the first year, take law, business or a mix of both courses each semester.**
  • Finish the program with 108 credit hours, saving you time compared to earning the degrees separately. 

While working through the program, you'll be required to participate in the various orientation and assessment activities of both programs.

*Students may choose to begin either their legal studies or their business studies first. However, credit for business classes taken before students have completed their first year of law school will not transfer to the law school.

**If students simultaneously take courses in both programs, the total number of credits enrolled in at one time must stay within the parameters required by the American Bar Association's standards governing accredited law schools.

  • J.D.: 90 credit hours, including foundational courses and skills requirements.
  • MBA: 30 credit hours of upper-level courses, with potential foundational courses for those without a business background.
  • Shared credits: Up to 12 credit hours count towards both degrees.
You'll meet with academic advisors in each school to ensure you are track to complete your requirements.

Applying to the J.D./MBA program involves meeting the requirements of both the School of Law and the School of Business. You must submit applications to both schools, indicating your interest in the dual degree program.

  • Apply and be accepted to both the School of Law and the School of Business.
  • LSAT or GRE scores are required; GMAT is waived for J.D. students.
  • Pay separate tuition rates for law and business courses.