At Washburn Law we strive to promote an environment that embraces, promotes, and respects students from all backgrounds. Our students take pride in this supportive and dedicated environment and is what defines and differentiates Washburn Law.
Total number of students from both the spring and fall start programs who make up the entering class of 2024.
Washburn implements a holistic approach to admission in order to foster a student body who encompasses the broad array of viewpoints within the community and legal profession. It considers all aspects of an applicant’s background, skills and credentials to ensure access to all qualified applicants.
This number is based on self-reported data.
While an applicant's LSAT score is a significant factor in admission to Washburn Law, there is no bright-line cutoff. The 2024 J.D. entering class had a LSAT 75th percentile score of 155 and a 25th percentile score of 148.
A 3.83 GPA would rank in the 75th percentile of the 2024 J.D. entering class, while a 3.24 GPA marks the 25th percentile.
Of the 122 students starting at Washburn Law in 2024, 72 are from Kansas.
In addition to Kansas, students came from Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah.
Of the 122 students, 47 identified as female, 54 as male and 3 as non-binary.
Students ranged in age from 20 to 47, with an average age of 25.
Total student body profile
Enrolled students
Our strengths are your benefit
Best Value Law School
In 2023-2024 Washburn Law was named the Best Value Law School by preLaw Magazine.
Robert J. Dole Hall was named a best law school building by PreLaw magazine in 2024
Washburn Law recently relocated to Robert J. Dole Hall, a stunning new building designed to enhance your learning experience. This state-of-the-art facility includes a fully-equipped appellate courtroom and trial courtroom, providing you with a real-world legal environment right on campus. For quieter study sessions, the serene reading room offers the perfect retreat, while numerous study group rooms foster collaboration and discussion.