Shaping the future of public service

At Washburn Law, our law and government program prepares you to navigate and influence the public sector with expertise and confidence. Whether you aim to draft legislation, advocate for public policy, or uphold the rule of law, our program offers a comprehensive foundation and hands-on experience to ensure you are ready to make a difference.

Why choose Washburn Law's law and government program?

A law student chews on his pen while taking notes in class.

Choosing the right law school is crucial for your future career in public service. At Washburn Law, we offer a unique blend of academic excellence, practical experience, and a supportive community designed to help you succeed.

  • Proximity to power: Located in Topeka, Kansas, our campus is a stone’s throw from the State Capitol, Kansas Judicial Center and numerous state and federal agencies, providing unparalleled access to internships, externships and networking opportunities.
  • Renowned faculty: Learn from experienced professors who are experts in government law and committed to mentoring the next generation of public service leaders.
  • Robust curriculum: Our program covers essential areas such as administrative law, legislation and public policy, offering both breadth and depth in government law education.
  • Real-world experience: Gain practical skills through our clinics, externships and the Robert J. Dole Center for Law and Government, working on real cases and issues under the guidance of seasoned professionals.
  • Inclusive community: We support the unique challenges faced by law students, providing resources and a welcoming environment to help you thrive.

Topeka: A capital advantage

Being in the state capital, Topeka offers a unique advantage for law and government students. The close proximity to downtown and key state entities, including the Kansas Supreme Court, state agencies, the federal courthouse and legislative offices, provides an ideal environment for practical learning and career development. This closeness ensures that Washburn Law students have unparalleled access to internships, externships and networking opportunities. 

A curriculum designed for public service

Our Law & Government curriculum equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in various public sector roles. From understanding the intricacies of administrative law to mastering the legislative process, our courses are designed to provide a thorough grounding in government law.

Earning a certificate in Law & Government demonstrates your dedication to this field and enhances your resume. This credential signifies a focused study and the development of specialized skills, making you a more competitive candidate in the job market. Requirements include completing specific courses, attending professional development events and fulfilling a writing requirement.

Course of study

Required courses: Administrative Law and one of the following:
  • Federal Indian Law 
  • Legislation 
  • Local Government Law

Elective courses: Students must successfully complete at least 15 credit hours of Law and Government course work – the combination of required courses noted above plus selections from these elective courses. 

  • Advanced Legal Research 
  • Antitrust 
  • Artificial Intelligence and Law 
  • Civil Rights Litigation 
  • Constitutional Litigation 
  • Criminal Procedure II 
  • Directed Research - Veterans' Claims 
  • Election Law 
  • Energy Regulation
  • Environmental Law
  • Externship I 
  • Federal Courts 
  • Federal Indian Law 
  • Health Care Law and Policy 
  • Higher Education Law 
  • Immigration Law 
  • International Law of Indigenous Peoples 
  • Law of Armed Conflict 
  • Law and Human Rights 
  • Legal Analysis, Research & Writing for the Government Client 
  • Legislation 
  • Legislative Workshop 
  • Local Government Law 
  • Oil and Gas Law
  • Public Employment Law 
  • Public International Law 
  • Public Land Law 
  • Race and the Law 
  • Renewable Energy Law: Wind and Solar 
  • Specialized Legal Research: Statutory and Regulatory Law
  • Taxation by State and Local Governments 
  • Taxation of Individual Income 
  • Trademark Law 
  • Tribal Law and Government 
  • Water, Environmental, and Regulatory Law lmpacting Agriculture 
  • Water Rights 
  • White Collar Crime 

Professional development requirement

Students must complete 500 minutes of participation in co/extracurricular programming aimed at enhancing student understanding of important issues in the realm of law and government. Students can meet this requirement by participating in events sponsored by either the Center for Law and Government or any student organization presenting a program supported by the Center. Participation in any Washburn Law Centers for Excellence program that bears on government-related issues also counts toward meeting this requirement.

Writing requirement

Students complete the upper level writing requirement (or equivalent writing project) on a pre-approved Law and Government Law topic.

Our program offers a wide range of courses, allowing you to tailor your education to your interests and career goals. Whether you are interested in local government law or federal administrative procedures, you will find courses that provide the essential knowledge and practical skills required for success. Detailed descriptions of each of these courses, can be found in the academic catalog.  

  • Administrative Law
  • Advanced Legal Research
  • Antitrust
  • Civil Procedure II
  • Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Constitutional Law II
  • Constitutional Litigation
  • Criminal Procedure II
  • Election Law
  • Energy Regulation
  • Environmental Law
  • Externship I and II
  • Federal Courts
  • Federal Indian Law
  • Health Care Law and Policy
  • Higher Education Law
  • Immigration Law
  • International Law of Indigenous Peoples
  • Law and Human Rights
  • Legislation
  • Legislative Workshop
  • Local Government Law
  • Oil and Gas Law
  • Patent Law
  • Professional Responsibility
  • Public International Law
  • Public Land Law
  • Race and the Law
  • Specialized Legal Research: Statutory and Regulatory Law
  • Taxation by State and Local Governments
  • Taxation of Individual Income
  • Tribal Law and Government
  • Water Rights
  • White Collar Crime
Extracurricular opportunities to enhance your education

Student organizations

Joining student organizations helps you build relationships with peers, develop leadership skills and deepen your understanding of government law. A few popular with law and government students include the:
  • American Constitution Society
  • Federal Bar Association
  • Federalist Society for Law & Public Policy Studies


Gain practical experience and build your resume through externships with a variety of organizations. Washburn Law students concentrating in law and government have had externships with:
  • Kansas Supreme Court
  • State agencies
  • National Labor Relations Board
  • Legislative offices

Speakers & symposia

Engage with experts through regular events featuring prominent speakers and covering cutting-edge topics. Our symposia, scholars and practitioners in residence, and lunch and learns provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.

The Robert J. Dole Center for Law & Government

The Robert J. Dole Center for Law and Government serves as a hub for students seeking to deepen their understanding of public service law. The center aims to prepare students for careers in local, state and federal government through specialized programs, training opportunities and the latest scholarship. The center sponsors colloquia, workshops and lectures that bring leading scholars and practitioners to Washburn Law, offering students opportunities to engage with current issues in government law. And student have the opportunity to connect with a network of professionals, including alumni and government leaders for mentorship and career guidance.