08/04/2025 - 08/05/20258:00 AM CDT start timeLancaster, Pennsylvania

Farm and Ranch Income Tax/Estate and Business Planning Seminar

McEowen, P.L.C., presents the two-day seminar "Farm and Ranch Income Tax/Estate and Business Planning Seminar" on Monday, August 4 and Tuesday, August 5, 2025 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This program is appropriate for agribusiness professionals, attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, tax practitioners, and others interested in income tax and estate/business planning issues impacting farmers, ranchers, and rural landowners.

McEowen, P.L.C. is an NASBA certified CPE provider. Accountants are advised this program qualifies as and is offered in the Group Live "GL" format.

08/04/2025 - 08/05/20258:00 AM CDT start timeLancaster, Pennsylvania


Monday, August 4, 2025 and Tuesday, August 5, 2025


HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College
East 203 Multipurpose Room
1641 Old Philadelphia Pike
Lancaster, PA 17602

Learning objectives

  • This program will provide an overview of tax law provisions relating to a variety of issues that arise in farm and ranch tax, estate, and business planning. The program assumes attendees will have an intermediate level of expertise in the area and are generally familiar with the areas of tax law addressed by the various topical areas listed in the program.
  • Attendees who complete the program will be updated as to current issues in these tax and planning practice areas. They will also work through application examples in the noted subjects areas covered by the various presenters.
  • At three points during each hour of presentation attendees will be asked to answer questions about the presentation to confirm 1) their attendance and 2) their understanding of the material as it is presented live online.

Content, prerequisites and expected participant knowledge level

This program is an overview and update on the noted areas of tax law and practice. As noted, the program is intended for participants who have an intermediate level of knowledge in the Taxes Subject Area. Beginners may find exposure to the changes that are discussed helpful in assessing whether to engage more senior practitioners to help them with a client who may have Act-related issues. There are no specific prerequisites required to attend.

No advance preparation is required though program participants may want to review the topic areas and bring questions they would like addressed during the program.

The program will be delivered online via the Zoom platform. Specific instructions and a link to access the online program will be provided several days prior to the program to individuals who register and pay the fee. Instructions will also include information about how to access program materials.

McEowen P.L.C. is an NASBA CPE provider. The program will qualify in the taxes area for the minutes noted next to each presentation.

Program materials in hard copy

All attendees will receive access to the program materials in electronic form. The link to the electronic materials will be sent via email no later than Friday, August 1, 2025.

Attendees who would like hard copy of the materials may purchase them for an additional $100 as indicated on the registration form.

In person attendees: if purchased, hard copy materials will be handed out at the seminar.

Online attendees: if purchased, hard copy materials will be mailed as soon as they are available. Please note that you may not receive hard copy materials until after the seminar.

Non-Attendees: can purchase program materials and will be sent to you once they are available.

Pricing will be as follows:

  • $100: Hard copy
  • $50: Electronic format (PDF)
  • $125: Hard copy and electronic

Hard copy materials will be mailed to non-attendees as soon as they are available but may not be received until after the seminar. A download link for electronic materials will be sent after payment is received and materials have been finalized.


16 hours credit has been applied for (total for both days; 8 hours per day (Traditional and Online)).

You must provide your correct Kansas bar number for credit to be reported.

Other jurisdictions

All other attorney attendees will receive documentation and be responsible for submitting for credit in their home state. 

CE for IRS practice credit

Continuing education credit for Enrolled Agents (EAs) and Other Tax Return Preparers (OTRPs) will be reported to the IRS by McEowen P.L.C., an IRS Approved Education Provider.

You must provide your correct PTIN number for credit to be reported.

The program is approved for EAs and OTRPs for 6 hours of Federal Tax Law, 10 hours of Federal Tax Update over both days. Day 1 is 8 hours of CE (3 hours of tax law and 5 hours of tax update); day 2 is 8 hours of CE (3 hours of tax law, and 5 hours of tax update).

CPE for non-IRS practice (CPAs and accountants) credit

McEowen, P.L.C. is a NASBA certified CPE provider in GL (live) format.

Register Here

Credit-Seeking Attendees
Paid Through Friday, July 18, 2025
» $450 - Both full days
» $300 - Single day

Paid Saturday, July 19, 2025 and After
» $500 - Both full days
» $400 - Single day

Non-Credit Seeking Attendees
Paid Through Friday, July 18, 2025

» $290 - Both full days
» $200 - Single day

Paid Saturday, July 19, 2025 and After
» $315 - Both full days
» $275 - Single day


Program fee includes materials in electronic form.

Registration Deadline: Registrations will be accepted until all seats are full. Attendees must pay the registration fee prior to start of the program. 

Lodging and dining

Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. Continental breakfast, and lunch, are provided as part of the registration fee. Dinner is on-your-own.


If you cannot attend the seminar, you may send a substitute. If you cancel your registration before midnight on Thursday, July 31, 2025, your registration fee will be refunded. After that date, non-attending registrants will receive the course materials in electronic form and be subject to a $50 cancellation fee.

The sponsors reserve the right to cancel this seminar for any reason and return all fees.

NASBA Registration

McEowen P.L.C. is certified by the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: www.nasbaregistry.org.

Presenters Roger McEowen

Roger McEowen

Roger McEowen, J.D., Kansas Farm Bureau Professor of Agricultural Law and Taxation at Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kansas. He is a member of the Iowa and Kansas Bar Associations and is licensed to practice in Nebraska.

Paul Neiffer

Paul Neiffer

Paul Neiffer, CPA, is a former principal in the Agribusiness Group at CliftonLarsonAllen where he specialized in income taxation and accounting services related to farmers and processors.


NOTE: All times shown below are Eastern Time (ET); e.g., 8:00 a.m. ET = 7:00 a.m. Central Time = 6:00 a.m. Mountain Time = 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

7:30 a.m. – Registration and Check-In

7:55-8:00 a.m. – Introductions and Announcements

8:00-9:15 a.m. – Federal Tax Update (Roger)

  • This session includes discussion of important federal tax developments from the past year concerning court cases and IRS administrative pronouncements on such issues as income and deduction items; credits and tax administration; C corporations; S corporations; partnerships; and employment taxation. 

9:15-9:40 a.m. – Time Value of Money and Taxes (Paul)

  • Time value of money continues to be interwoven inside of the Internal Revenue Code, and in this session we will review the key concepts of time value of money and how they affect certain transactions that farmers normally incur.

9:40-9:55 a.m. – Morning Break

9:55-10:20 a.m. – Excess (Residual) Fertilizer Supply (Update) (Paul)

  • This session provides an update on claiming a deduction for residual fertilizer supply.  The basic elements of qualifying for claiming the discussion will be discussed as well as current techniques being utilized by taxpayers.  This session walks the practitioner through the proper procedure for documenting and claiming the deduction on the return.

10:20-10:45 a.m. – Taxation of Option Payments (Roger)

  • This session looks at the application of the “open transaction doctrine” and how it might apply to various sale agreements that farm clients may enter into involving a portion of the land such as an option for an easement. 

10:45-11:35 a.m. – Nontraditional Financing of Inputs; Equipment Leases (Paul)

  • Farmers continue to use non-traditional financing of farm inputs from various non-banker lenders and supply companies.  We review the economics of this financing and related tax issues.  The session will also review the taxation of equipment leases.

11:35-Noon – Hobby Losses (Roger)

  • One issue that the IRS does show audit activity on involves alleged hobby losses.  Many of the challenges involve agricultural activities.  This session goes through the rules, what the IRS looks for and how to operate an activity to avoid an IRS challenge.

Noon–12:45 p.m. – Luncheon

12:45-1:35 p.m. – Depreciation Choices; Catch-Up Depreciation (Paul)

  • This session will review the various depreciation choices available to farmers and the related issues with equipment trade-ins after TCJA.  The session will also review the proper procedures for scrubbing a depreciation schedule and how to report that on the income tax return.

1:35-2:00 p.m. – Timber Taxation (Roger)

  • This session addresses the tax implications related to timber ownership, sales, and management. The discussion addresses timber as a capital asset, covers timber income and deductions, and highlights the importance of timber basis and depletion deduction

2:00-2:25 p.m. – Qualified Conservation Contributions (Paul)

  • Syndicated conservation easements are on the IRS’s dirty dozen list.  However, qualified conservation easements for farmers continue to be a valuable tax consideration for farmers.  In this session, we will review how these various contributions work and the related tax deduction available to farmers.

2:25-2:45 p.m. – Afternoon Break

2:45-4:00 p.m. – Potpourri (Roger and Paul)

  • This fast-paced session looks at several recurring farm and ranch tax issues.  Addressed, among other topics, will be tips for yearend tax planning; crop insurance deferral rules and strategies; and techniques to adjust AGI after year-end.  The session will also review the issues with S corporations, provide an update on the self-employment taxation of LLCs, and address select issues with oil and gas taxation.

4:00 p.m. – Adjourn

NOTE: All times shown below are Eastern Time (ET); e.g., 8:00 a.m. ET = 7:00 a.m. Central Time = 6:00 a.m. Mountain Time = 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time.

7:30 a.m. – Registration and Check-In

7:55-8:00 a.m. – Introductions and announcements

8:00-9:15 a.m. – Federal Estate and Gift Tax Update (Roger)

  • This session includes discussion of important federal estate and gift tax developments from the past year concerning court cases and IRS administrative pronouncements on such issues involving gross estate calculations and deductions; retirement plans; trusts; and miscellaneous matters.

9:15-9:40 a.m. – Corporate Provided Meals and Lodging (Paul)

  • This session will review the tax advantages of providing corporate meals and lodging for farming operations and will also review the necessary steps to properly document this tax-free fringe benefit.

9:40-9:55 a.m. – Morning Break

9:55-10:20 a.m. – Advantages of C Corporations (Paul)

  • C corporations sometimes get a bum rap.  This session will review some of the key tax advantages of a C corporation and will review how an S corporation may not provide the benefits anticipated.

10:20-10:45 a.m. – Retirement Plan Deductions for Farms (Roger)

  • Retirement plan deductions may be an overlooked aspect of tax planning for farmers and ranchers.  This session looks at self-employed retirement plans; defined benefit pension plans; traditional and Roth IRAs; and 401(k) plans.

10:45-11:35 a.m. – Advantages of C Corporations; Corporate Redemptions (Paul)

  • A redemption of an interest in farm partnership usually results in tax at ordinary rates.  However, the redemption of C corporate stock results in favorable capital gains tax treatment.  In this session, we will review the tips and traps on properly planning for a C corporation redemption.

11:35 a.m.-Noon – Medicaid Asset Protection Planning (Roger)

  • This session will provide an overview of asset protection strategies for long-term health care. Topics covered include Medicaid eligibility requirements, asset limits, exempt and non-exempt assets, and legal tools such as trusts, annuities, and gifting strategies. Learn how to navigate the complex rules surrounding Medicaid planning, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure financial security while securing long-term care coverage.

Noon-12:45 p.m. – Luncheon

12:45–1:35 p.m. – Estate Planning in 2025 (Roger)   

  • The results of the fall 2024 federal election suggest that it is unlikely that significant new taxes will be imposed on the wealthy. More tax cuts may be possible. What does all this mean to estate planning? What should practitioners tell clients to consider now? How is that advice different than the typical pre 2026 planning that has been the focus of many planning conversations?  This session addresses these questions and others.

1:35-2:00 p.m. – I.R.C. §2032A Tips and Traps (Paul)

  • In recent months, the limitation on the special use valuation reduction with an I.R.C. §2032A election has been proposed to be increased to $14 million.  In this session, we will review the key tips and traps associated with I.R.C. §2032A planning.  This enhanced value reduction of land subject to the election is likely to become law in the near future and this session helps you plan for it now.

2:00-2:25 p.m. – Distributions – Exit Strategies (Roger)

  • During the operation of the farm business entity, it is often necessary or beneficial to distribute cash and property to the owners.  The tax ramifications of this distribution can vary significantly based upon the chosen entity.  This session examines the differences.

2:25-2:45 p.m. - Afternoon Break

2:45-4:00 p.m. – Potpourri (Roger and Paul)

  • This session provides a Farm Bill Update and a discussion of FSA planning tips. Also addressed will be whether a crop share is inventory or IRD. In addition, discussion will address utilizing SWAP powers in Grantor Trusts, and the question will be asked “is this a Great Time for a GRAT?”

4:00 p.m. - Adjourn

Assistance for special needs and other questions

If you require special services or auxiliary aids to assist you while attending the event, or questions regarding registration or the program, please contact Jean McEowen, at jmceowen@juno.com or 515.310-0018.