Student Scholarship Series, 2018

Washburn Law Journal held its 2018 Student Scholarship Series on Monday, April 23, 2018, in Room 102 from 12:10-1:00 p.m.

April 23, 2018 Presentations

Jessica Barranco presented her Note, "Price Waterhouse Gate: Nixin' the Belief that Sexual Orientation Discrimination is Prohibited Under Title VII." Ms. Barranco will explore whether the phrase "because of ... sex" prevents discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation.

Aaron Greenbaum presented his Note, "Keeping Workers' Compensation in the Workplace: Assessing a Higher Causal Standard in Kansas." Mr. Greenbaum will examine employees' preexisting conditions and Kansas's adoption of the prevailing factor as the casual standard required for an injured worker to recover from his or her employer in Workers' Compensation.

Blake Porter presented his Note, "Maximum Charging, Minimum Procedure: A Recent Example of Agency Policymaking that Shows Disregard for Required Procedure." Mr. Porter will scrutinize a recent Department of Justice memorandum by alleging that it violates certain aspects of the Administrative Procedure Act and wrongfully leads to more severe sentences for convicted criminal defendants.